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Stay the Night: A Chicago Love Story Novella Read online

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  I nod graciously before returning to my desk. Miles comes out a few minutes later and escorts Landon into his office. The only thing I can think is that I really hope he removed any evidence of the activities he’d been engaged in.

  “He’s kinda cute, huh?” Ava asks.

  “Gross, he’s your brother.”

  “I wasn’t talking about Miles. I was talking about Landon. That man is a solid hunk of milk chocolate. Wait, do you have a thing for Miles?”

  I snort, “Uh, no.”

  “Stranger things have happened,” Ava sings as she makes her way down the hall.

  I shake my head. She’s not wrong, but I don’t see that happening. Of course I’ve admired Miles from afar, but he really isn’t the type I generally go for. Who am I kidding? I don’t really go for anyone. You can’t trust a man, so why bother? I think about the file I have tucked in my purse. I know my tendency to dislike men comes from the poor examples I’ve had in my life. I’m finally at a point where I know that I for sure can trust two men; Theo and Miles.

  I grab the file and walk into Theo’s open door. I close it behind me and take a deep breath. He’s sitting behind his desk regarding me curiously. I set the file down in front of him and sit down. I wait for his response as he opens the folder in front of him.

  “CeCe, have you been looking for your father?”

  “No. He showed up on my doorstep a few nights ago. I told him to leave, but he gave me this and said it would explain everything. I’ve read through it over and over but I don’t trust him.”

  “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you did he?”

  Theo looks every bit the protective father I had longed for growing up. I smile weakly at him before explaining what our encounter was like.

  “I’m glad you didn’t let the driver leave until you were certain he meant you no harm, but I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of him knowing where you live. Not until I verify the information in this file.”

  “I still have a few months left in my lease. I can’t just move into a new place. I have to pay for that apartment still.”

  “I’ll take care of that. Don’t worry about where you’ll stay, I’ll figure that out too.”

  “Oh, Theo you don’t need to do that.”

  “Yes, I do. I know we joke about you being part of the family, but you know that you’re like another daughter to me. I will take care of you and protect you as such.”

  I feel tears threatening to fall and rush over to hug Theo. “Thank you. You know, I told Julio that I don’t need him to try to be my dad. I told him I already found one.”

  Theo kisses the top of my head the way he has Olivia and Ava countless times. I feel content and safe. I know Theo will help me get to the bottom of why my father has suddenly resurfaced. He may very well be here to reconnect after years in the Navy, but he may also be here for reasons unknown.

  When I return to the lobby, I see Miles and Landon shaking hands. I notice how Landon looks at Ava and see her blush. Now that’s a dangerous match. The thirty-year-old and his best friends kid sister? Good luck with that one, Landon! I return to my desk and spend the rest of the day answering phones and scheduling meetings.

  “You ready to go, CeCe?” Miles’ question startles me out of my silent work.

  “Go where?”

  “Dad and I talked about it and for now, you’re going to stay in the guest room at my condo.”

  “I’m what now?”

  “Come on, it’ll be fun. We can build a fort and play truth or dare.”

  I laugh at him, “Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude.”

  “You won’t be intruding. Cross my heart.”

  “Okay. But we better stop at the house to get my stuff.”

  “No need. Dad had a service go pack it all and deliver it to my condo.”

  “You people sure like to use that money of yours.”

  Miles chuckles and starts helping me close up for the evening. We have a car waiting for us in front of the office building where the law firm is. Miles opens the car door for me and I roll my eyes at his act of chivalry. We arrive at his apartment in Lake Point Tower.

  I’m stunned by the cold modern décor. It’s a stark contrast to the traditional furnishings at the Hanover house in Gurnee. I haven’t been to Miles’ place before, so I am quiet while he gives me a quick tour. The view from his living room is breathtaking.

  “This place is gorgeous. How did you manage to get a condo here? I heard it was nearly impossible to get in.”

  “Mom and dad own this condo. We lived here briefly when I was young but moved to the suburbs when mom found out she was expecting Olivia. They let me move in while I attended law school and I have been slowly remodeling and bringing this place into the twenty-first century.”

  “You’ve done very well.”

  He thanks me while he busies himself in the kitchen. I hop right in and help him prepare dinner for both of us. We move effortlessly through the kitchen, only grazing against one another a few times. I’m surprised by the tingling sensation that accompanies his touch. Isn’t he more like a brother to me? By the time we’re done we have put together a delicious meal of steak, baked potatoes and asparagus.

  “Mmm, I’ve never had asparagus like this,” Miles mumbles through a mouth full of food.

  “I just add garlic butter, sea salt, and parmesan. It’s the only way I like it.”

  “I’ve always just boiled it.”

  “Yuck,” I pull a disgusted face and Miles nearly spits his food out in response.

  When we finish our dinner, we silently start cleaning up and retire to the living room. Miles turns on Ghost Adventures. I love this show. I watch a few episodes with him before I decide I should probably get my room settled in a bit.

  “So, where is my room?”

  “This way.”

  Miles takes off down the hall and I follow him. He opens the door to a brightly decorated room. My things are already unpacked. I eye him suspiciously causing him to laugh at me.

  “I told you dad had a service take care of this for you.”

  “Well, I was going to get settled in, but I guess I don’t have to worry about that. So, what now?”

  Miles grins mischievously, “Laser tag.”

  Chapter 3

  Miles has been finding excuses to break his dates with Chelsea. Instead of going out with her, he’s been staying in with me. It’s Friday and he just cancelled another dinner with her. I don’t know what excuses he’s giving her, but he keeps telling me he just doesn’t want me to be left alone in case my father was to find me again.

  Despite the sweatshirt, comfy pants and fuzzy socks I’m wearing, I am freezing cold. Miles returns to the living room in his pajama pants and no shirt. While I’m momentarily distracted by his physique, I quickly wonder how he can stand being topless when I’m practically shivering on the couch.

  “What is the temperature in this place?”

  “It’s a balmy seventy-two degrees.”

  “Impossible! I am freezing my ass off.”

  Miles tosses me a blanket, “Quit being such a baby.”

  “Screw you.”

  He sits next to me on the couch and pulls up Netflix, “Scary or funny?”


  “Psycho killer or other-worldly haunting?”

  “Other-worldly haunting. You know how I feel about those killer movies. Those bitches take off running into the most obvious places and then beg the crazy-ass killer not to slit their throats? I mean, if you run up the stairs instead of out to your car, you kinda have it coming.”

  He laughs and turns on a low-budget film that promises to be a groan-fest. I pull my hood up over my head and pull the strings tight. I keep my eyes glued to the television as I feel Miles get up and listen to his feet pad down the hall. When he returns, he has the comforter from his bed.

  “Now, the catch is you have to share.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, I don’t know what he’s getting at,
but if it means more warmth, I’m in. He sits on the couch and gestures for me to scooch closer to him. I slide over to the middle and he throws the blanket over both of us. I can practically feel the warmth radiating from his body, being under the blanket with him is going to warm me up in no time.

  When I open my eyes, I am relieved to feel warm all over. But I quickly realize that I’m wrapped in the blanket, snuggled up to Miles. My left arm is draped over his torso and my right arm is pinned down underneath him. He has both arms wrapped around me and is sleeping peacefully. I shift slightly so I can look at him. I’ve never seen him look so innocent, or happy. I didn’t even know people could look happy while they slept.

  I hear keys jingling in the lock and I try to untangle myself from Miles. I look up to see the last thing I wanted to find. Well, shit. Apparently, Chelsea has a key to the apartment.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” She hisses with venom in her voice.

  “I live here,” I reply stupidly.

  “Like hell you do.”

  “I’m sorry, you took me by surprise. We met before, I’m CeCe. I’m just living here temporarily,” I look at my current location and add, “This isn’t what it looks like.”

  “Yeah, sure. You’re that Mexican charity case I’ve heard so much about.”

  I’ve managed to slip myself out of Miles’ arms and am now standing face to face with her.

  “Excuse me?” I am completely floored by her insult. What the hell is Miles telling people about me?

  “Yeah, see, here’s the deal,” she is now standing too close for comfort and is dangerously close to meeting my fist, “Miles talks about you all the time. I know all about your kind. Just trying to leech off those of us with enough brains and talent to make something of ourselves. Well, you can just back off, I’m with Miles. And, it won’t surprise me if we’re engaged before Christmas.”

  I straighten abruptly causing the evil blonde Barbie doll to step back quickly. I refuse to be victimized by some spoiled rotten uptight bitch.

  “You’re lucky that my charity case repertoire includes manners, unlike your silver spoon upbringing,” my voice is dangerously low.

  “What did you just say to me? How dare you speak to me like that!”

  I’m shocked by the sudden auditory assault delivered by her angry shout. Before I have a second to be confused by her overreaction, I feel Miles standing behind me. I whip my head around to look at him. He places his hands on my shoulders to steady me; his stony expression is meant for Chelsea. He steps around me and stands in front of his girlfriend.

  “Now, I only woke a moment ago, but I have the feeling I missed something. What the hell did you say to her?”

  “Nothing, she just lost it on me and started threatening me. I don’t think she’s stable, Miles.”

  “Don’t you dare try to feed me that line of bullshit. CeCe is many things, but she is not confrontational without reason.”

  “I only pointed out that she has no chance with you. That a charity case like her should know better than to. . .”

  “Get. Out.”

  “You’re going to choose that filthy street rat over me? You are seriously stooping that low?”

  “If I were to choose CeCe over you, it would definitely be a massive step up, no stooping involved. Now, please leave before I have to call the police to forcefully remove you.”

  I’m still standing behind him, but I want to shrink away. I have never heard Miles so firm and commanding; it’s kind of hot. Where did that come from? I can’t see Chelsea from my spot behind Miles, but I hear her tell him he’ll regret this and storm out of the apartment.

  Miles flinches slightly when the door slams shut. He sighs deeply, and I notice his body relax.

  “CeCe, I am so sorry,” his voice is soft and full of regret as he turns to face me.

  “Look, I’m not really sure what you said about me to that awful woman, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention me to your future conquests. Or at least, do me a favor and choose better words when you do.”

  I turn to leave but Miles reaches out to stop me. He takes my hand in his and it feels like an electric shock through my body. Why is he having this effect on me? I try to pull away, to break the contact between us, but he holds me firmly. Now I’m hurt and pissed, he doesn’t want to stop me right now. This is not the time to have this conversation. I fight against him like a four-year-old trying to get away from the firm grip of a scolding parent.

  “Whoa, CeCe. What’s going on?”

  I hate myself for having angry tears in my eyes when I turn around. “I woke up wrapped in your arms. Your little girlfriend walked through the door and found us snuggling, then decided to insult me. I had it under control, then you go all macho man and come to the rescue. I am offended and angry. I do not wish to discuss this with you right now.”

  Miles looks stunned.

  I stay silent and look anywhere but at his face. I am not an easy egg to crack and when I don’t want to talk about something, I don’t talk about it. He reaches up and places his hand under my chin, lifting it until I’m looking at him. He gently moves his thumb across my cheek. It feels like a very intimate gesture and heat rushes to my cheeks.

  “I’ve never seen you like this, CeCe. Please tell me what happened.”

  “God, can’t you just let it go?” I ask as I try to push past him.

  “No, I can’t. You mean a great deal to me CeCe, I don’t like seeing you like this. Tell me why this has you so upset.”

  “I don’t want to. I know those weren’t your words, but it felt like they were because she’s your girlfriend. Now it’s my fault that you broke up, and I wasn’t even able to defend myself for fear of cutting the bitch,” I pause and say the words that have me in a panic. “She made it abundantly clear that you were headed towards marriage. . .”

  “She what? No, we weren’t. I have actually been thinking about ending things. There’s actually someone else that interests me much more.”

  I ignore the clench in my stomach that appears at the idea of him moving on to yet another crappy relationship. My mind flashes back to his face as he slept with his arms wrapped around me. I look at him now, and see his features soften when I make eye contact. I melt a little inside. What the hell is wrong with me? Time to deflect.

  “You must meet some real winners. Can’t wait to see how much the next one insults me.”

  “That won’t happen. I won’t let it.”

  “How can you be so sure? It’s not like I don’t understand where she’s coming from. It’s pretty obvious I don’t belong with you.”

  Shit, where did that come from? Before I can save myself by rephrasing what I said, Miles picks up on my words.

  “What do you mean you don’t belong with me?” He puts his hands on my shoulders again and I try to force away the attraction I feel.

  “I didn’t mean you specifically, I meant you as in your family. You and me? Together? Come on, Miles, don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Like I told Chelsea, choosing you over her would be a step up. I meant that.”

  “Thanks, but I’m sure that’s not true. She’s everything that I’m not: rich, gorgeous, well-bred. I’m sure you’ll find a replacement before too long. You always do.”

  “I think this time will be very different.”

  His expression holds more than I care to face right now. I don’t know what’s going on between us but it confuses me. I step away and head down the hallway without another word.

  Chapter 4

  Someone is at the door. Miles is out with friends and I’m alone in the apartment. I didn’t order pizza, so I’m not sure who could be here. As I reach for the handle I stop, wondering momentarily if it could be Chelsea or my father. The visitor knocks again, more urgently, so I peer through the eye hole. What I see causes me to fling the door open in excitement!

  “Liv! What are you doing here?” My best friend crushes me in a tight hug.

  “I wanted to su
rprise you. I made Miles go out with Landon so we could have a girl’s night. He won’t be home until tomorrow.”

  I am on cloud nine. Olivia and I sit on the couch together and start catching up. She talks wedding plans; I’m the maid of honor but I refuse to get into all that girly stuff. She and Isaac are excited to move forward with their lives.

  “So what about you? Any man candy I should know about?”

  The first face that pops into my mind is Miles. How can I talk to Olivia about the mixed feelings I have about her brother? Then again, if I can’t talk to my best friend about it, who else is there?